A girl who is raised in New York City, or moves to New York City can't help but fall in love with fashion, unless of course she's been living under a rock, and in that case she shouldn't be living in NYC, because there are too many things to do than to just live under a rock. I moved to New York City when I was 18 to attend college, my dream was to become a music journalist. My entire angle soon shifted from music to fashion...fashion....FASHION! While I still keep music close at heart, (and like any successful journalist, I can cover ANY topic), a career in the fashion industry seemed highly apropos. I paid my dues to the Source Magazine for a year by lending my gift of writing, and physical work for FREE ( word to the wise; if you don't pay your dues, who's going to pay you?) primarily writing music reviews, interviewing artists and various celebrities, attending press releases, making reservations for the fashion and marketing editors for Olympus fashion week, and other miscellaneous tasks which all provided me with a solid foundation to advance and move forward in the worlds of journalism and fashion. Afterall, I did accomplish my first by line at the tender age of 18. (Fat shouts to the Source for that :-) ) When my time with the Source finally came to a bitter sweet end, I took the summer off, going into my sophomore year of college, and began an internship in the fashion department at Vibe Magazine in the Fall of 2006 under the tutelage of the exceptionally talented fashion director Memsor Kamarake. I'm making this sound REALLY easy, I worked my ass off to acquire those internships. Fast foward a few months, I began interning at Giant Magazine, quickly moved on from there and then I gained my first celebrity client Ryan Leslie who hired me as the stylist for a show he was doing, which consisted of me styling 14 of his dancers. The show was not successful, but the ordeal was a learning experience to say the least. Even when my future in journalism and fashion became reclusive, I continued to study fashion and writing. I currently write for Rap Fanatic Magazine. You're probably thinking, a rap magazine? I thought she wanted to be a fashion journalist, and you're right but I'm working on the fashion spreads at Rap Fanatic in addition to writing for them. :-) In short, I've finally decided to blog about the going ons of my life in fashion and to also, in a way build a non-traditional online portfolio. Additionally, I am embracing my passion for photography again as well, as I have had some formal training in high school. So really, at this point in my life it's about taking all of my gifts that God has blessed me with and figuiring out a way to make them all coincide with one another, and I figuired what better way to do it than to create a blog. Blogging is like reality television; it aint goin' nowhere! :-)
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