This story touched my heart so much, I had to write about it. On August 9, (three days ago) a 19 year old young man I attended high school with was killed. I remember his face mostly, but I physically can't remember walking through the halls and seeing him, or interacting with him, but it's all the same the hurt is still present. He was sitting in his car, and someone shot him in the head. From what I know, he was not a trouble maker, but what he did become was another statistic. Rodney had a new car, and was on his way to college, and he was loved by all of his peers for having a great personality. When things like this happen, it makes me realize that we are all living in hell on earth, and these jealous demons are taking no prisoners. I have an 18 year old brother, and I would hate for this to happen to him, I don't even want to fathom the thought. Four years ago, basically the exact same thing happened to one of my best friends, he was killed at the age of 20, next month marks the fourth year of his death, and it feels like history repeated its self all over again. I can only imagine the pain his family and friends are going through, and that pain will stick with them forever, I don't know if it gets easier. People say time heals all wounds, but when a wound is as deep as this, there's no healing. For more information on Rodney, you can visit www.plaindealer.com and search his name, Rodney Williams. Rest in Peace Rodney, you're in a better place.
RIP young man.
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